Saturday, March 24, 2012

Air Force Here We Come

Yes, we made our decision! As of February 25, we are now an Air Force family. A little over a year ago Matt and I were looking into scholarship programs to help with the debt of dental school and came across military options.

My grandpa served in the Air Force years ago and to this day I love hearing his stories. Both of Matt's grandfathers, two of his uncles, three cousins, his great grandfather and great great grandfather all served in the Air Force as well. All at different times, different experiences but one thing is the same... they all defended our country.

Early December we received a call that Matt had been a recipient of the three-year Air Force scholarship. What a blessing! Along with the excitement came questions - Will Matt be deployed? Will our country be in war during the next ten years? Is this really where God wants us? Where will we live? What are we really signing up for? Will Matt get the dental experience he needs to run a successful practice?

After much prayer, talking with what seems to be every living person on this earth and weighing our options we accepted. With that decision came PEACE. I know I still have questions and uncertainties but one thing is for sure... God has a plan. A plan that I am excited to see unfold. Who knows where we will live after Chapel Hill but that is part of the excitement. Who knows if Matt will be sent away for 6months or a year but God will bring us through it.

We had a "signing" day last month. Kevin, Beth and Maggie joined and it was a special day. I am such a proud wife. Here is the oath he took to be "sworn" in:

Here are a couple more pictures from the signing. Thank you to Master Sgt. Charles Clardy and Dr. Ellinberger for setting this up!

Maggie and I pinning Matt's insignia...

Thank you Lord for blessing us with this opportunity. Now watch out... Air Force here we come!

Saturday, February 18, 2012


"Chaos in the world brings uneasiness, but it also allows the opportunity for creativity and growth."

To summarize these last few months the best word I found was chaos. After returning from an amazing Christmas break, Matt and I have been going 100 miles an hour to keep up with the daily nuisances and obstacles thrown our way. Here is a typical weekday in our household:

6:30AM - Alarm goes off
6:55AM - I finally get up after snoozing 3 times
7:10AM - Matt finally roles out of bed with 10 minutes till his bus arrives
7:25AM - Matt runs out the door
7:30AM - I pick up my things and head out the door to work
8:00AM - 1:00PM - By now, I've probably had 4 meetings, 50 phone calls, written 30+ emails; Matt has sat through several hours of lectures, including a test, a quiz, a practical, and he squeezed in  some study time
1:00PM - 2:00PM - Oh my gosh, lunch? Didn't even realize I was hungry. I run to Subway. While at school, Matt grabs his lunch and eats while studying or sitting in a meeting or talking over a test with a professor.
2:00PM - 6:00PM - I drive to several meetings, send another 30+emails, make some phone calls, organize my accounts, research; Matt attends another 2+ hours of lectures, goes to the dental lab to practice "fillings", then ends his day studying at the library. Arrives at home around 6:00PM.
6:00PM - 9:00PM - Sometime between these two hours I finally arrive home. Matt is studying away in his man cave. I throw whatever we have together and call it dinner. Finally, we sit down to relax for 20 minutes. Then Matt is back up, studying more and I'm cleaning up, preparing for the day ahead. Oh gosh, we are out of milk (which is a very common thing). I run to the store.
9:00PM - 10:00PM - Matt is still studying. I get ready for bed, kiss him goodnight and PASS out.
11:30PM - 12:00PM - Matt gets in bed. ONE DAY DOWN!

That is the life of the Corbins right now. Yes, it is chaotic... some days I dream of going back to our honeymoon, sitting on the beach, not a care in the world. But then God reminds me of his constant provision and love. God has provided a home for us, a wonderful job for me to provide for us during this time, a strength for Matt that has allowed him to succeed through his first year of dental school, a love that he has given Matt and I to share this life together.

Sometimes I can focus so much on the chaos of our daily lives that I forget the blessings God shows me everyday. "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own." - Matthew 6:34. Amen to that!

So yes, Matt and I are in a "busy" time of our lives. But it is a time that I cherish. Like the quote from the top, even though things might seem chaotic right now, it has allowed Matt and I to GROW. To grow closer to God, to grow our marriage, grow our trust, and grow our future.

Chaos. May we all cherish the chaotic times in our lives!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

New Traditions

What are your family traditions? Matt and I are about to share our first Christmas together. Growing up in different places, we have both experienced different traditions during this time of year. Here are some family traditions from my side of the family:
  • Getting a Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving; in most recent years actually cutting the tree from a Christmas tree farm
  • Eating brie and apples (prepared by my mom) while setting up the Christmas tree, and listening to Amy Grant holiday music
  • Buying the chocolate advent calendar to count down the days till Christmas (thanks to my Aunt Raetta)
  • Celebrating a "World Christmas" put on by my Aunt Marcy
  • Catching up on all the latest movies with Dad
  • Opening each gift (youngest to oldest) one at a time - taking the whole day of Christmas
  • Shopping after Christmas to get the best deals
  • My sister and I receiving/wearing matching Christmas pajamas
  • Eating - morning, lunch, after lunch, before dinner, dinner, at midnight... all the time
Here are a few traditions from Matt's side of the family (In Matt's words):
  • Eating Christmas Eve dinner at Mamaw & Papaw's 
  • Opening gifts with the Corbins on Christmas Eve at Mamaw & Papaw's
  • Breakfast at Mamaw & Papaw's Christmas morning consisting of eggs, pork tenderloin, biscuits & gravy, and Mamaw's preserves
  • Playing in the snow with a 4-wheeler (Christmas 2010) - One foot of snow on the ground
  • Christmas Eve church service at Holly Springs Baptist Church
  • Singing in the church or county wide Christmas musical with Dad directing
  • Watching It's A Wonderful Life with the family
  • Two days of Christmas fun with the Reitmeiers
  • Listening to the Blue Ridge Christmas CD 
This past weekend Matt and I bought and decorated our first tree. A tradition I love! Thanks to my mom and mother-in-law we had enough ornaments and decorations to fill our tree. Usually I turn on Christmas music while decorating, but instead we had football. I guess traditions can be tweaked :)

I am excited to share in our traditions together this Christmas. Merry Christmas from The Corbins!

    Sunday, November 13, 2011

    Operation Christmas Child

    It is my favorite time of the year... time to pack those shoeboxes! This past weekend, Matt titled Saturday as "Charissa's Day". No dental school, no studying, no running errands... he dedicated his time to do whatever I wanted to do. Yes, I have an amazing husband.

    The number one thing on my list was to pack our shoeboxes. Since working with Operation Christmas Child back in 2009, and seeing the joy that one gift brings to a child in need... there will not be a year that goes by that I won't pack a shoebox. This project reminds me of a set of verses in the bible, Mark 10:13-16. "People were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.' And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them."

    One shoebox. One child. One God. Never underestimate the power of our creator. This project helps bring a child that one moment of joy, that many of us experience every Christmas. It is a time where this child forgets the worries of reality and poverty, and gets to be a CHILD. More importantly, it provides the opportunity for a child to have everlasting joy through Christ. Needless to say, I truly believe in the mission of OCC.

    On Saturday, Matt and I dug out our old shoeboxes that we have saved, pulled out supplies we have collected over the year, and headed to the Dollar Store for some extra goodies. Leave it to my husband to make sure their dental hygiene is covered!
    When we got home, we added the supplies from the store. Matt packed the shoebox for a 10-14 year old boy, and I packed my shoebox for a 10-14 year old girl. Matt wrote our family letter, and we threw in a picture of us, with a return address. Below is my finished gift! I had a picture of Matt with his shoebox, but I forgot to save it.
    They are packed and ready to go to our local collection site. I am excited to see exactly where they go this year. Our prayers are out to everyone working so hard this week and the coming months in collecting, and delivering these precious gifts.

    Thank you for what you do.

    Saturday, November 5, 2011

    Six Months Strong

    I never thought I would start my own blog. Who would want to read about my life? Is it really that interesting? Would anyone read it anyways? Where do I start?

    This year has been monumental in my life. I became a wife. I became a Corbin. We moved to a completely new city; no family near by. Matt started dental school. I entered the corporate world. We set up (and are continuing to unpack) our first home. All in six months!

    Matt and I are entering a brand new journey that is filled with joy, challenges, heartaches, love, and an unpredictable future. A future that God is slowly revealing to us as we trust in Him. God has blessed us with our marriage, and we are so thankful that he chose us to live this life together.

    So why start a blog? Well... I have a story to tell. Everyone has a story, and I feel like the best way I can share Matt and I's journey through life to our family and friends is to write. We have been so blessed with amazing friends and a loving family. I hope this provides a way for each of you to stay connected with what is going on with Matt and I. One of Matt and I's favorite verses comes from Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper, not to harm. Plans to give you a hope and a future." Join us as God slowly reveals to us His plan.

    Let the journey begin...